talkin’ the talk (and presenting the poster)

In which I give a handful of talks and present some research at an exoplanet conference

UMass Astronomy Club, 4/20/2021

I was recently invited to stand in for my advisor, Dr. Kate Follette, and give a talk about our lab’s research to the UMass Astronomy Club at their meeting on 4/20 (nice). I spoke for about 45 minutes on planet formation, direct imaging, and my work on HD 142527 B, before discussing the process of doing research as an undergrad. The talk was to a smaller virtual audience, who were incredibly sweet, and appreciated some of the information I included which touched on doing undergraduate research and what the day-to-day activities of an astronomer can look like. I gave the talk right after getting my second vaccine shot, so I was grateful that there’s a slight grace period between injection and the body-destroying side effects I experienced, otherwise I wouldn’t have been half as coherent as I ended up being. Overall, big thanks to the Meredith Stone from the UMass Astronomy club for inviting Kate, and accepting me instead. I’ve attached my slides from that meeting, in case anyone is interested in the content of the talk.

Rather nice title slide from my talk to the UMass astronomy club. Can’t thank Sarah enough for lending me some of the slide content I used

STScI 2021 Spring Symposium: Towards the Comprehensive Characterization of Exoplanets: Science at the Interface of Multiple Measurement Techniques, 4/19-23/2021

There was a lot of incredible science at Space Telescope Science Institute’s 2021 Spring Symposium. My science was also there, and I had the chance to talk to a lot of great researchers about my work on HD 142527 B. I’ve included my poster below, if you’re interested. These results are fairly preliminary, and I’ve made some significant improvements in the month since presenting, which I’ll be attempting to publish this summer.

My STScI Spring Symposium poster from April 2021. Looks nice, no?

Amherst Colloquium and FCAD Senior Celebration

Now that I’ve submitted my thesis (post to come, I’m sure, after I’ve decompressed), I’ve presented my work to both the Amherst College Physics and Astronomy department, as well as the Five Colleges Astronomy Departments. I’m quite happy with how these presentations went, and it was wonderful to see everyone else’s hard work at the FCAD Senior celebration. These last few months have been pretty long, but I’ll give it to myself, I’ve done a lot of work. Until next time, clear skies!

My advisor Kate snapped this screenshot of my summary slide while I (top-left) was presenting. The take-away? Give me time on a big telescope to observe HD 142527 B, obviously!






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